No Class Labor Day <3



Happy Labor Day with bolts and fists and hard hats. Blue background with Yellow and white writing. No Stars and Stripes. Hello Everyone,

Just a heads up, no class on Labor Day, enjoy your Monday!

I also wanted to let everyone know that if you want to invite friends to class, either in person or on Zoom, to let them know they can come as my guest, and there’s no charge for their first class. Also let me know, so I can add them to the in person list, or make sure they’re registered for the online Classe.

See you tomorrow, and Enjoy your weekend!






Contact me with any questions!


8:15 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Zoom Only

Monday – Labor Day


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

See you in the studio or on Zoom!

“Look closely at the present you are constructing:
it should look like the future you are dreaming.”
Alice Walker


Good News!

I’ve just heard from Heather that our internet is fixed. So I will see you tomorrow in the studio or on Zoom, whichever you choose!

Much Love,






Contact me with any questions!


8:15 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Zoom Only


8:15 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Zoom Only


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Reminder: Zoom Only on Monday


Hi Everyone,

Because of ongoing issues with internet connection at the studio I’ll be teaching from home tomorrow morning. Please check out the schedule below if you don’t usually Zoom and want to make sure to get the link in your inbox right before class.

Thank you to everyone for your patience with this, hopefully everything will be cleared up this week, and connection issues will be a thing of the past.

Much Love,



Contact me with any questions!


8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Zoom only August 15th


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom.


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Internet Connection News and Updated Schedule


No additional information

Good Evening Friends!

This is a quick note just to pass on the info I have about our missing internet connection. Unfortunately, instead of someone coming out to fix it last Monday, they won’t be able to get here until this coming Monday afternoon. Which means we have  2 more classes without internet.

Right now we have as many students trying to practice from home as we do showing up to the studio. So tomorrow (Friday) I will teach from the studio, and if you want to practice online, unfortunately you’ll need to use one of the existing videos. Monday I will teach from home via Zoom, and anyone who wants to can  join me, the link is below.




Contact me with any questions!

Friday 8/11/22

8:15 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Studio Only

Monday 8/15/22

8:15 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Zoom Only


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Connecting. Zoom Link for Monday Aug. 8th

“I have met myself and I am going to care for her fiercely.”
~Glennon Doyle

calm lake, evening just arrived, two kayaks leaning together like good friends on the shore.

Hello Friends!

First the info you need, I have planned a last minute trip to see family and Jen Monsos will be subbing for me Monday August 8th. She has asked that I pass on her own Zoom link for anyone who wants to join her digitally. You will find it in the schedule below.

This week’s inadvertent theme continues to be connection. I’m currently looking forward to seeing family this weekend, up at their cabins in Northern Wisconsin. I found this image of their lakeshore from 2017, the last time I was up there and the last time I saw many of them.

I appreciate our weekly connection more than I can say, and to that end, I’ll see you tomorrow!

Much Love,



Contact me with any questions!


7:18 amForrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom.

Monday August 8th

8:15-9:10am Jen Monsos Sub – Infinity and Zoom


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Plan for Monday’s class, 4th of July, and a call for help with my record keeping.

Empathy is a strange and powerful thing. There is no script… It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of “you’re not alone.”
~Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

image of using a tennis ball to release a calf muscle


I am writing to you from the coolness of our back porch. There’s a juvenile downy woodpecker at the feeder, and Lulu is peacefully surveying the yard (momentarily at least).

I’m writing for a few reasons. The first is tomorrow (Monday June 27th)  I’m planning on leading a class with some myfascial release. In the studio we’ll use tennis balls. If you’re practicing from home, you could use tennis balls, rolling pins, a body roller, another ball like a La Crosse ball, maybe an apple or a potato. Use your imagination and take advantage of the resources of your home studio!

I am also writing to humbly implore you to send me an email if you plan on attending classes in person. Turns out I am not great at recording that information on the fly and in trying to do so, have kind of goofed up my own records, and now I only have the vaguest idea who is coming when. Our in person classes are small right now, so it’s ok, but I’d like to fix it. So please email me with your in-person schedules. Thank You!

Looking ahead to July, I am planning on taking July 4th off so there will be no class that morning. We will also be having subs on Friday July 22nd, and Monday July 25th. I will be checking in with all students closer to these dates, to give Sarah Maxey and Jennifer Monsos a better idea of what size class to expect.

Much Love,



Contact me with any questions!


7:18 amForrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom.


8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom
(No Class July 4th)


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Finally a Newsletter!

Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour.”
~Walt Whitman


I’m reusing this image because it reminds me of the nest I found in our shed. Except that one was tucked deep inside an empty flower pot, and I found it impossible to get a good picture.

Some of you have asked about Wednesday outdoor classes this year and I didn’t have a firm answer until recently. I finally decided I’m not teaching an outdoor class this summer. It was a hard decision to make because I have enjoyed the time with you so much in the past. I know some of you will be disappointed, and I’d avoid that if I could. Between the time I need to take for my own physical therapy and projects I’m hoping to finish this summer, I am finding my mornings are quite full. In fact, you’ve probably noticed I have had trouble getting back into the habit of regular newsletters! I do plan to keep the classes I am already teaching, perhaps with a few subs when I need them.

Below you will find our schedule, which isn’t changing. Please note there’s no Infinity class on Memorial Day, May 30th.

Much Love,



Contact me with any questions!


7:45am (Moves to 8:15 on April 1st) Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.


8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom
(No Class Memorial Day)


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Plan for week of April 18th


Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that I’ll be in Michigan next week visiting my family. Luckily Gretchen Mulkey is subbing for my classes at Infinity and Hallie Evens is subbing for my Root River class.

Infinity students, please note these are in person only classes, if you would like to attend let me know, right now there is room. If you are an online only student please feel free to use any of the videos on my website.

If you are a Zoom only student, please feel free to use any of the classes on my website.

See you all Friday the 29th!



Contact me with any questions!

Monday April 18th

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Studio only



7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom 


Friday April 22nd

8:15Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Studio Only


Monday April 25th

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Studio only



Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Class canceled again this Monday: explanations and apologies within.

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. ~ John Holmes


While I feel a bit better today and did not spend the day in bed, but I need a bit more time to recover from a few days of not being able to eat or sleep well.

To everyone who reached out letting me know how keen they would be to take with a sub if I can’t make it: I’m so sorry, our usual sub, Gretchen, was not able to help us out this time, and neither were any of the other members of our yoga community I reached out too.

To everyone: I so appreciate your understanding and your care. It means the world to me!

Part of what I have been treating with physical therapy is fascial tension in my pelvis and core. One thing that can set off this tension is digestive distress. As someone who also has a sensitive digestive tract, this pain is not at all new, it’s just not usually this incapacitating. This has been an ongoing problem in my life, and one that actually inspired a lot of my study into the myofascial release we do in class. So, though it probably doesn’t seem like it this moment, I have been moving forward in my understanding of the kind of self care I need.

Unfortunately, I have been having an unusual number of digestive issues lately. Likely at least partially caused by some medication I was on, and another bug might have been involved too. The gut is complicated — who knows? My point is that while this kind of pain isn’t exactly new, it’s just not usually this severe.

I want you to know that I am reaching out to find instructors who are able to teach at your class times who are able to fill in when necessary. I know from reading your messages that you love it when Gretchen fills in — however, she isn’t always available!

I will be in touch about Friday. I don’t anticipate needing to cancel, but will need to see how fast I bounce back.

Yours truly,



Contact me with any questions!

Mondays (No Class April 4th)

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


8:15Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

April 1st class cancelled, explanations within



I was going to write to remind you that class started at 8:15am tomorrow, but am instead writing to let you know unfortunately I can’t teach tomorrow. I am still have some stomach issues that are making me uncomfortable, so I am going to preemptively give myself a slow morning of self care. I wish for you the same.

Honestly, I hate cancelling on you, please know I don’t do it lightly. The one small light in this case is that during the course of the week all but 2 students who were registered for an in person class let me know they can’t make it. So perhaps the timing isn’t completely horrible.

If you’d like to practice at home please make use of the classes on my website. Ignore the donate/support buttons, these videos were made with your generous support in the first place. They are your resource for whenever you need them.

Much Love,



Contact me with any questions!

Fridays (No class April 1st)

8:15Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.


8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News and Reminders – this is a good one to read

a black bear
has just risen from sleep
and is staring

down the mountain.
All night
in the brisk and shallow restlessness
of early spring

Spring, Mary Oliver

Bunny doing yoga stretch on the grass.


It’s been a wild minute since I last wrote to you. It wasn’t intentional and I appreciate your understanding. Speaking of which, a special thank you to Root River students for rolling with the unexpected class cancellation last week. My stomach is feeling much better!

And now, onto the news.

Friday’s (tomorrow’s) class will include myofascial release. In class we’ll use tennis balls, — if you’re practicing from home you’ll need to figure out your own prop. Things that work: any small ball, body rollers, rolling pins, apples, potatoes, cans of soup. Be creative!

In April, Friday morning classes will move back to their original 8:15am time. I hope that for most of you this is good news. Please let me know if you are planning on coming in person and I will reserve room for you.

There will be no Zoom classes April 18th, 22nd, and 25th. I will be out of town visiting my sister and Gretchen Mulkey will be teaching in person at Infinity. For those of you who love to Zoom it in, please feel free to make use of the pre-recorded classes on my website. Hallie is subbing my Root River class.

Let me know if you have any questions or there’s anything I can do for you.

Much Love,



Contact me with any questions!


7:45am (Moves to 8:15 on April 1st) Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.


8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom


7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Newsletter for March 4-11



This is just a quick note to let you know I’m thinking of you and there are no major changes in the next week.

While this image connoting spring/early summer is a bit early, it is a good indication where my head is as Brett, Lulu and I enjoy our walks on these slightly warmer days.

Please let me know if you have any questions or there is anything I can do for you.

Much Love,


Schedule March 4-11

Contact me with any questions!

Friday March 4th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.

Monday March 7th

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom

Thursday March 10th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for week of Feb 18th


Composition with words LOVE YOURSELF and paper heart on white background, top view


Just a quick note to remind you I love you, and to assure you this week’s schedule is as usual.

See you on the matt!


Schedule Feb 18-24

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Feb 18th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.

Monday Feb 21st

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom

Thursday Feb. 24th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for week of Feb 11th

Revolutionary love is a well-spring of care, an awakening to the inherent dignity and beauty of others and the earth, a quieting of the ego, a way of moving through the world in relationship, asking: ‘What is your story? What is at stake? What is my part in your flourishing?’ Loving others, even our opponents, in this way has the power to sustain political, social and moral transformation. This is how love changes the world.”

“Love calls us to look upon the faces of those different from us as brothers and sisters. Love calls us to weep when their bodies are outcast, broken or destroyed. Love calls us to speak even when our voice trembles, stand even when hate spins out of control, and stay even when the blood is fresh on the ground. Love makes us brave. The world needs your love: the only social, political and moral force that can dismantle injustice to remake the world around us – and within us.”

“To pursue a life of revolutionary love is to walk boldly into the hot winds of the world with a saint’s eyes and a warrior’s heart – and pour our body, breath, and blood into others.” ~ Valarie Kaur

Dear Friends,

I have a bit of exciting news! We now have an easier way to pay for classes: you can simply email and let them know how many classes or which card you want to purchase and they will email you an invoice which you can pay online. Of course, you can still call in and pay over the phone. Let me know if you run into any trouble and we will tweak the system. Thank you so much for all of your patience!

Much Love,


Schedule Feb 11th- Feb 17th

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Feb 11th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.

Monday Feb 14th Happy Valentines Day!

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom

Thursday Feb. 17th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

No Class Feb 3rd and reminder how to find Yoga with Elle videos online


Hand drawn image of a hand with a bow tied around the pointer finger. It says, "Reminder"


Just a quick reminder that we’re not having class tomorrow due to a scheduling conflict. If you are interested in practicing anyway please remember you can go to my website anytime. Hover over the Videos button and it will give you a drop down menu where all the videos we made in 2020 cataloged according to type of class.

I will see you back in the studio on Monday!

Schedule Jan 28th-Feb 3rd

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Feb. 4th

No Class

Monday Feb. 7th

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom

Thursday Feb. 10th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for week of Jan 27th

“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child—our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, The Miracle of Meditation

silhouette of young traveler looking out a window of a train.

Dear Friends,

I’m sure you’ve seen the posts by now that Thích Nhất Hạnh died earlier this week. I have been thinking a lot about when I began reading his work. Of course I had heard his name, had a vague understanding he was a buddhist monk and activist, but I hadn’t read his work. Then I found his book, The Miracle of Mindfulness, at my cousin’s home while I was visiting them in Sweden, during a trip to Europe I took with my sister.

I feel there are so many moments of that trip I remember better because I was being conscious to notice everything my senses were taking in, and I’m positive it deepened my experience with a sense of gratitude not only for the hospitality my family showed me, but the rich history around me.

One memory that’s with me this morning is traveling by train into Prague, the sound of the machinery, the feel of the cloth seat, my sister teasing me for checking what time we arrived for the 50th time, thinking about everything that needed to come together for the train ride to happen from the engineers who designed and maintained the train, to the young man with thick eyebrows who checked our tickets… I carried Thích Nhất Hạnh’s book with me while I was in Europe, but I’m carrying the intentions of mindfulness still.

Besides reminiscing about past travels and being grateful for the richness Thích Nhất Hạnh’s teachings have brought into my life, I also wanted to give you a heads up about a little change in our regular schedule this coming week. Monday I will be ending 5 minutes early again, and there will be no class next Friday Feb. 4th as I have an appointment during our time. Try as I might to leave our class times free in my schedule, once in a while I can’t avoid a conflict. Thank you so much for your understanding!

Lastly, we have use of our props again in the studio! Access to props has never been an issue for those of you at home, but I’m excited to begin using them again for Infinity classes! If you are practicing via Zoom, please bring a pillow (like the ones on your bed) or a yoga blanket with you to class tomorrow.

Much Love,


Schedule Jan 28th-Feb 3rd

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Jan. 28th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom. Bring blanket or pillow if practicing on Zoom.

Monday Jan. 31st

8:15-9:10am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity and Zoom

Thursday Feb. 3rd

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Feb. 4th – No Class


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News of Jan 16th: Make sure to read if you’re practicing in person.


chicken walking across screen you can see all the foot prints.

Dear Friends,

As I think most of the Infinity students who practice with me in person know, we are actually meeting at Infinity Studio again, beginning tomorrow! Yay, the floor is finally completed! Welcome back!

Please make sure to enter through the clinic door. We no longer have carpet in the front of the studio so please take of your shoes in the office side of things before making your way into the studio. There is still room to hang up your coats inside the studio.

For everyone who is Zooming, I imagine this feels like a small step. Especially if you are anxious to get back to class in person. The cute baby chick making a serious of small steps is for you. Thank you so much for your patience and your tenacity to keep your practice going even when you’re not able to come in person. You inspire me!

I know some of you are wondering if our in-person class sizes will be growing now that we’re back to a larger space. Yes, of course. The question is how soon. Please give me a little bit of time to talk to Heather to find out what Infinity’s guidelines are, and to think through my own comfort levels. Also, with a bit of time our community risk level will hopefully go down a bit, making this an easier decision.

For students practicing in person, Infinity does not have a mask policy. I am still masking, so if you decide to wear a mask to your mat, or practice with a mask you won’t be alone.

As you can see, our Newsletter happened today (Sunday), not last Thursday, which is always my goal. I will get back to my Thursday News schedule next week. Baby steps all around!

Much Love,


Schedule Jan 17th-27th

Contact me with any questions!

Monday Jan. 17th

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom

Thursday Jan. 20th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Jan. 21st

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Jan. 24th

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom

Thursday Jan. 27th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for Jan 6th


red mug of hot drink on a windowsill with a warm blanket, when behind is window is snow / cozy home atmosphere in the winter

Dear Friends,

I hope you’re all staying cozy!

In fact, many of us in our Root River Thursday morning yoga expressed thankfulness that we didn’t have to brave the cold on our way to our morning practice!

Friday/Monday classes are still being held at Yarnology, but there is always the option for you to Zoom in from home. If you are attending in person, and are on the list of regulars, make sure to let me know if you can’t make it. Despite the cold, we once again have a waiting list for in-person options.

Much love to you all,


Schedule for week of Jan 7th

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Jan 7th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Jan. 10th

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom

Thursday Jan. 13th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Jan. 14th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Newsletter for Dec. 31st

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do It.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.”
Neil Gaiman

Cartoon Woman Watering a big colored 2022 sign

Dear Friends,

I couldn’t wish for a better group to spend 2021 with! Whether we have seen each other weekly, or just once in a while, or just exchanged a few messages, I appreciate you. Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness, it makes our practices so special. Thank you for your flexibility with venues — and so much more! I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you all in my life, but hope that never changes! You are the best!

I also want to draw your attention to a couple of offerings coming up in 2022. The first is Erica Thibodeax’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 week program. I have taken this program and returned many years for the day-long retreat. Erica is one of my favorite meditation teachers to work with, and I always gain from her wisdom. And taking part in a program is the best way I know of to actually set aside the time it takes to develop a mindfulness practice in your life.

The second is a Soma Yoga class led by Mitra Emad. I took her fall class and gained so much from it. If you are looking for a gentle practice on Saturday mornings, this is a great one.

Feel free to ask me about my experiences with these teachers or reach out to them as they are both very responsive and helpful.



Schedule for Dec 31

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Dec. 31st

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Jan. 3rd

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom

Thursday Jan. 6th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Jan. 7th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.


Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Schedule for week of Dec. 27th


Hand drawn image of a hand with a bow tied around the pointer finger. It says, "Reminder"

Dear Friends,

I hope you are having a cozy Holiday!

This is just short note to remind you that we don’t have class on Monday (tomorrow, I’m taking a rare 3 day weekend and enjoying the decompression immensely. Our regular schedule resumes this Friday. See you then!


Schedule for Dec.

Contact me with any questions!

Monday Dec. 27th

No Class

Thursday Dec. 30th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Dec. 31st

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.




Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

Holiday Schedules and News

Feminist thinking teaches us all, especially, how to love justice and freedom in ways that foster and affirm life.
Bell Hooks, Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Polistics

The focus here is not on ritual itself, but on opening up something in hearts and spirits that has been locked away so long that individuals can barely remember the source.
Malidoma Patrice Somé, Ritual: Power, Healing and Community.

Feet in woollen socks by the Christmas fireplace. Woman relaxes by warm fire with a cup of hot drink and warming up her feet in woollen socks. Close up on feet.

Dear Friends,

I hope you made it through the night without much damage to your homes!

Though the winds were strong, and we all had a restless night, but here at the Newman/Terpstra/Yeti/Lulu/Bod household all is well! After teaching a Root River Yoga class with the wind still circling around the house, I am curled up in warm socks with a warm cup of coffee writing to you from the hearth (heart).

Two writers — of great influence to me and many many others — have passed on this week. While I wouldn’t usually think to draw bel hooks and Malidoma Patrice Somé together, both of their words are with me today as I write to you. So much so that I am finding it impossible to tidily sum up what this means to me or the world… though I will say that the wind seems wildly appropriate as it reflects how stirred up I feel.

I’m writing mostly to let you know of our upcoming schedule. Please be in communication with me — if you haven’t already — about your holiday plans and classes you’ll miss. As always, it’s easiest to have these communications in digital form so I can easily keep track of everything. So far two people have said they would love class on Christmas Eve, and I’m wondering if there are more. Let me know!



Schedule for Dec.

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Dec. 17th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Dec. 20th

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology

Thursday Dec. 23rd

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Dec. 25th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Dec. 20th

No Class

Thursday Dec. 30th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom

Friday Dec. 31st

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.




Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for December 2nd

Simple Cartoon Rendition of Christmas Trees in multiple colors, most of which aren't traditional Holiday colors. the feel is bright, fun, and non-traditional.

Hi all,

Just a quick note today to check in about schedules over the holidays. And, of course, to reassure you that classes this week are happening as usual!

I’m wondering if Infinity folks are interested in class on Friday the 24th, Christmas Eve. I’m thinking of taking Monday the 27th off to enjoy a 3 day weekend, just in case that affects how you feel about practicing on the 24th.

I hope your holiday planning is as fun and bright as the trees above.

Much Love,


Schedule for Week of Dec. 2nd

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Dec. 3rd.

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Dec. 6th

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology

Thursday Dec. 9th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom



Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for November 19th

“To most human beings, wind is an irritation. To most trees, wind is a song.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Wind Turbine in the sunset seen from an aerial view


As I write this, I’m listening to the wind outside our windows. Admittedly it sounds cold and uninviting, but from the point of view of a windmill, wind is a powerful energy of good!

I’ve actually been thinking a lot about points of view this week as Brett and I watched the Holiday Edition of Taste the Nation: Truth and the Turkey Tale. I highly suggest watching it even if you’re already familiar with The Day of Mourning. If nothing else, it will make you want to visit Cape Cod for the food!

And speaking of Thanksgiving and our traditions. I talked to the Root River group this morning and we’ll be practicing on Thursday as we do every week. Infinity folks, are you around Friday? Do you want a quiet morning to yourself and your families or are you interested in practicing together? If you’re reading this let me know.

Much Love,


Schedule for Week of Nov. 19th

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Nov. 19th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Nov. 22nd

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology

Thursday Nov. 25th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom



Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for the week of November 12th

"You're the Best"

Hi there,

Just a quick newsletter to assure you this week’s schedule is happening as usual, even if this reaches you later than it usually does.

I was thinking of you all today when I stopped by Infinity to peek in at our studio. The old floor is completely removed and ready for the new floor to be installed, as well as the other repairs that need to happen. I will let you know as soon as I get the word that work has started, or if I find out more about timing. For now, we’ll be cozily practicing in amongst the skeins (at Yarnology).

Much Love,


Schedule for Week of Nov. 12th

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Nov. 12th

7:45am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Nov. 15th

8:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology

Thursday Nov. 18th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom



Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog

News for week of Oct. 28th

But the thing about remembering is that you don’t forget.
~Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried.
Hand With Remider String Tied On Index Finger

Hi There,

Just a quick note to remind you that there’s no class this upcoming Monday. I have an early start to a project day, so wish me good weather!

Several of you have asked me how you know when your card runs out. Good Question! Right now Heather is marking cards once a month when she takes care of payroll, and at that time she is also contacting anyone who is out of classes. Don’t worry if you get an email that lets you know you owe for classes, everyone involved knows there would be no way for you to have that information and you are not in trouble.

See you on the mat!


Schedule for Week of Oct. 29th

Contact me with any questions!

Friday Oct 29th

7:45amForrest Inspired Vinyasa – Yarnology and Zoom.

Monday Nov. 1st

No Class

Thursday Nov. 11th

7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom



Root River Yoga on Zoom

Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.


7:15-8:15am All Levels
*You’re invited to stay online after class for coffee/tea and a chat.

Lets Stay Connected

Cat hugging dog