Back to Basics Hip Openers 3/29/20

Props needed:

• block or pillow
• rolled up mat or pillow
• blanket

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All Levels 3/26/20

A sequence designed to warm you up and make you feel strong. Minimal props used, you could do this almost anywhere.

Be well, I love you.

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Gentle Yoga for Back Care 3/22/2020

A great sequence to learn how to take care of your back on and off the mat.

For this class you’ll need a strap and a block. If you don’t have a block just grab a pillow. If you don’t have a yoga strap a tie you no longer use, or a long sock, a bathrobe belt, or any other belt should work. Get creative, you can do this!

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All Levels 3/16/20

This could be called Love your Lungs class, or it could be called Shoulder Prep for Chaturanga. I will probably remember it as the one where I cried at the end.

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Gentle Yoga 3/14/20

This was originally shot just as a test with no intention of sharing.

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