Seek harmony, not balance. Do not cut your life into pieces and measure their worth on a scale. Instead gauge your success by how well you have loved. Let your life sing. Join your song to the Great Symphony that has played long before your birth and will go on sounding after your death.
― Valurie Kaur
This week I got a few messages thanking me for keeping Infinity yoga classes going. You are so welcome, I love you, I love our practice together. I also want to be very clear, your support is essential for keeping our Winona yoga group practicing together. Without your personal engagement I wouldn’t have the energy to keep teaching. Without your financial support I wouldn’t be able to afford to devote so much of my time to keeping this all together. You are amazing. I feel so humbled to know you and practice with you.
For those of you in Root River Yoga, I just committed to another season of yoga with you all! Soon you will receive an email from Amanda letting you know it’s time to register, please do so right away so we can all rest easy that we have the attendance we need to continue!
My Infinity classes are now on Zoom! While the in-person classes are filled, you can safely join us anytime. The Zoom links are in the schedule below. If you have any questions about how this works, reach out, I can help.
And lastly, though not certainly not least, through some editing magic on Brett’s part we managed to record last Wednesday morning’s Zoom class, so there’s a new video for you!
Reach out with anything you need.
Much Love,
Schedule for Week of Nov. 16th
Contact me with any questions!
8:15 am All Levels – Infinity Yoga
- Register Here
- Pay with Infinity Card or call 507-453-7941
- Studio class full.
7:45am Yoga with Elle Zoom Class
- Register Here
- Donate here.
- If you’re wondering what to contribute, consider paying the same amount you’d pay if this class were at your usual studio. As always, these classes are offered on a pay what you can, if you can basis.
6pm All Levels – Root River Zoom
7:15am All Levels – Root River Zoom
7:45 am All Levels – Infinity Yoga
- Register Here
- Pay with Infinity Card or call 507-453-7941
- Studio class full.
Yoga Videos and Meditation
As always, these are shared with you under the category “pay what you can, if you can.” Here’s the link to PayPal your support:
Root River Yoga on Zoom
Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.
6:00-7:00pm All Levels
7:15-8:15am All Levels
*You’re invited to stay online after class for coffee/tea and a chat.
Ways to Keep Connected

- Follow Yoga with Elle on Facebook
- Email me at with any questions.
- Ask to join the private Facebook group.
- Receive this newsletter in your email by signing up here.