To defend oneself against a fear is simply to insure that one will, one day, be conquered by it; fears must be faced.
― James Baldwin
Hello Everyone!
This is a longer letter than usual, and it won’t all apply to you, so I’ve labeled the sections so you can easily skip over things that don’t pertain to you.
7:45 am Wednesday Morning Zoom Class Added:
For those of you following along with the struggles of returning to a Wednesday morning practice you know we’ve had several obstacles to overcome. My schedule, the weather, no indoor space available to practice together, to name a few. In the past I have gotten lukewarm responses from most of the Infinity yogis to the idea of Zoom classes, and I get it. I have mixed feelings myself! But I’m going to give it a try anyway starting this Wednesday and continuing through November – at least. For all the things that aren’t great about online classes, here are a few things that are: We have room for everyone who wants to join, we can use props, we can stay after and chat with each other, and my cats can more effectively be my hype men as I teach.
This Wednesday is the first one, and while I’ve been teaching Zoom classes through other studios for months, I haven’t set one up and run one all by myself. Please be patient with me. Also the screen says record, but there will not be a recording available of this week’s class, I’m still figuring this part out.
If you’re on my email list, a separate email will show up with the link. If you’re not and you want to join us, send me a message.
Wednesday morning classes, like all my videos, are offered on a pay-what-you-can-if-you-can basis. Use this PayPal link to do so. If you are already paying for classes with me through a different studio consider sending the equivalent of what you pay per class. If you already have another trade arrangement set up with me, it applies. If you want to come but it’s not in the budget, you are still welcome. In fact, extra love your way.
Infinity COVID Protocols and how they affect us.
At our last Infinity teacher meeting Heather shared her protocols for if and when COVID touches Infinity. Please know these are my understandings of what she told us a couple of weeks ago, so they are subject to change. Once Heather posts them please read through them.
Level 1: If any student or teacher at Infinity notifies us they have been exposed to COVID and a doctor has told them they need to go into quarantine, they stay home and for the rest of us, the mask to mat policy changes to wearing masks all the time.
In case anyone wants one, I am bringing paper masks like the one I wear because I find them much easier to wear and breath in. If you’re reaching into the bag to grab one please sanitize your hands first and make sure you just grab it by its strap.
Level 2: If any teacher or student tests positive for COVID. The studio closes for at least 2 weeks and there are Zoom classes only. Infinity cards will apply for these classes.
If it’s me who needs to be quarantined, either Gretchen Mulkey will sub and you can meet in person, or I’ll teach via Zoom. Probably a combination.
Your privacy will be protected and Infinity won’t announce who is quarantined or sick. If it’s me, I will just tell you what’s going on.
Love note from me:
Be well everyone, I love you. I know I say it all the time, but it’s because it’s true. My life is so much better with you in it! Thanks for the patience, the support, and inspiration to continue with my own practice.
Schedule for Week of Oct. 19th
8:15 am All Levels – Infinity
- You need a confirmation from me that you are registered. Spaces are limited.
- Infinity Covid Protocols
7:45am Yoga with Elle 1st Zoom Class
- Link to follow in separate email.
6pm Yin Yoga – Root River Zoom
7:15am All Levels – Root River Zoom
7:45 am All Levels – Infinity
- You need a confirmation from me that you are registered. Spaces are limited.
- Infinity Covid Protocols
Yoga Videos and Meditation
As always, these are shared with you under the category “pay what you can, if you can.”
Here’s the link to PayPal your support:
Root River Yoga on Zoom
Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.
6:00-7:00pm Yin Yoga
7:15-8:15am All Levels
*You’re invited to stay online after class for coffee/tea and a chat.
Ways to Keep Connected

- Follow Yoga with Elle on Facebook
- Email me at with any questions.
- Ask to join private Facebook group.
- Receive this newsletter in your email by signing up here .
Tips for Practicing At Home

- Create a space for yourself, but don’t get bogged down in creating a perfect space for yourself.
- Put your class on the calendar. Make space in your day.
- Make it special for yourself. Maybe this means putting on your favorite fancy yoga pants, maybe this means you finally get to practice in your pjs.
- Reach out to me if you get stuck.