…Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them.
~ L.M. Montgomer, Anne of Green Gables
I hope you’re having a relaxing weekend! And just as a reminder, we don’t have class this Memorial Day. Sleep in, go for a walk, and if you feel inspired to practice, feel free to make use of any of the videos on the site.
There’s a lot to let you know about this week, so bear with me. First, for Root River Yogis, if you haven’t registered for Summer session and plan on doing so, make sure to get that in as soon as possible. Thank You!
Secondly, I am looking forward to visiting my family in June. We haven’t seen each other in well over a year! For those of you practicing with me over Zoom through Infinity or attending Wednesday morning classes, this means we will have a little interruption in our practice. Below you’ll see the dates we don’t have Zoom classes; all other classes will continue.
Many of us have been looking forward to Wednesday morning outdoor classes, and you can find information below. The link to register isn’t live quite yet, but you’ll have it the moment I do!
Thank you for your ongoing flexibility and support. I look forward to a fun summer with you all!
Wednesday Morning Classes at WHS
- Begins June 30th, 8:15am
- $10 registration fee through Community Education, more information to follow.
- On-site donations accepted for Our Voices, an organization who supports BIPOC students.
- If you paid way ahead to help me out, thank you, you’re amazing and I don’t know what I would have done without you! Also you don’t owe anything.
Important Information for Infinity/home based Zoom Classes
Wednesday June 9th
- Last day of Wednesday morning Zoom classes for the summer.
- I’m not sure where Wednesday classes will be held in the fall but rest assured they will be indoors with Zoom options.
Friday June 18th & Monday June 19th
- No Zoom Classes
Zoom options for Infinity classes will continue for the foreseeable future. Don’t be discouraged by this short break, I am just making things as easy as possible for Gretchen to sub my classes while I’m away.
Schedule for Week of May 31st
Contact me with any questions!

Happy Memorial Day, No Classes
7:45am Basic Yoga Zoom Class
- Register Here
- Donate here.
- If you’re wondering what to contribute, consider paying the same amount you’d pay if this class were at your usual studio. As always, these classes are offered on a pay what you can, if you can basis.
6pm Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom
7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom
7:45 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Yoga
- Register for Zoom Class Here
- Pay with Infinity Card or call 507-453-7941
- Contact me if you want to attend in person, space is limited.
Yoga Videos and Meditation
As always, these are shared with you under the category “pay what you can, if you can.” Here’s the link to PayPal your support: https://www.paypal.me/
Root River Yoga on Zoom
Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.
6:00-7:00pm All Levels
7:15-8:15am All Levels
*You’re invited to stay online after class for coffee/tea and a chat.
Ways to Keep Connected

- Follow Yoga with Elle on Facebook
- Email me at ellenewman11+yoga@gmail.com with any questions.
- Ask to join the private Facebook group.
- Receive this newsletter in your email by signing up here.Ne