The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.
–Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams
Happy Sunday Friends!
It’s so much easier to live in hope right now than it was a year ago. And I’m so so thankful for that. I’m also, as always, so thankful to all of you. This past year would have been much harder for me without you. And I’m so proud of us that we made it through with our little yoga community intact!
Of course, I am also looking forward to practicing with more of you in person! Root River Yogis, I’m sure Amanda will communicate with us all when she knows how she’s going to proceed. Meanwhile lets keep talking about the possibility of a special outdoor yoga gathering!
For Infinity yogis, as long as we keep within CDC guidelines Heather is leaving it up to teachers how many students teachers allow in their classes. There is still no change in prop policies and we’re all still under the mask mandate.
I feel the time to open the door to more students as well as to fresh air is close! But when I think about the possibility of any one of us being a carrier, I realize I won’t be ready for this April 1st. While more of our community is getting vaccinated, we’re also, as you probably know, dealing with B117, a more infectious strain of covid. With the lack of air exchange in our studio I worry about us being 6 ft apart for an extended period of time.
Please be patient a little while longer. Once more of us are immune, our community numbers are once again going down, and I can open the door while we practice, I will happily welcome as many of you in as the CDC allows! I believe this is only a matter of weeks, not months.
For those of you who are disappointed, I hear you. If you are excited to return, let me know and I will put you on the waiting list. And very soon we will be practicing together again!
For those of you who have found that Zoom is a better option for you don’t worry, I will continue our hybrid class model for the foreseeable future.
So much love,
Schedule for Week of March 29th
Contact me with any questions!

8:15 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Yoga
- Register for Zoom Class Here
- Pay with Infinity Card or call 507-453-7941
- Contact me if you’d like to attend in person.
7:45am Basic Yoga Zoom Class
- Register Here
- Donate here.
- If you’re wondering what to contribute, consider paying the same amount you’d pay if this class were at your usual studio. As always, these classes are offered on a pay what you can, if you can basis.
6pm Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom
7:15am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Root River Zoom
7:45 am Forrest Inspired Vinyasa – Infinity Yoga
- Register for Zoom Class Here
- Pay with Infinity Card or call 507-453-7941
- Contact me if you want to attend in Person.
Yoga Videos and Meditation
As always, these are shared with you under the category “pay what you can, if you can.” Here’s the link to PayPal your support:
Root River Yoga on Zoom
Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.
6:00-7:00pm All Levels
7:15-8:15am All Levels
*You’re invited to stay online after class for coffee/tea and a chat.
Ways to Keep Connected

- Follow Yoga with Elle on Facebook
- Email me at with any questions.
- Ask to join the private Facebook group.
- Receive this newsletter in your email by signing up here.