Hello Everyone,
I can’t make it to class tomorrow, but the great news is Gretchen Mulkey is subbing. Thank you Gretchen!!!
Unfortunately this means there’s no Zoom practice that day. If you can’t make it in person, please remember the videos are there for your use. You will be missed and Zoom practice will resume next Tuesday.
Brett has been experiencing extreme light headedness which has been resulted in him fainting. This coupled with other existing symptoms, makes us suspect POTS, EDS, or another Dysautomia syndrome. We are in the midst of ruling out more life threatening options and figuring out how to get referrals to people who can help Brett find the support he needs.
We are ok. We are less scared than we have been the last few weeks as we learn more about Dysautomia syndromes and talk with people living with similar conditions. The next few months will hold a slew of medical appointments for Brett. Right now he can’t drive, and it’s so much better to have both of us listening to information and asking questions then sending him in alone. Whenever possible, I will schedule around our practices, and/or find subs. But please watch your emails, as the only thing in my mind worse than having to unexpectedly cancel class, would be you missing the message and show up to an empty studio or a quiet Zoom channel.
Thank you in advance for your continued support. So much love,
Weekly Schedule
Contact me with any questions!
- 8:15 am- 9:15am Forrest Inspired Gentle Vinyasa – Dharma River Zoom only.
- Contact me if you don’t already have the Zoom Link.
Thursdays (No Class on Thanksgiving)
- 7:15am- 8:15am Forrest Inspired Gentle Vinyasa – Root River Zoom
Fridays (No Zoom Nov 22nd)
- 8:15 am- 9:15am Forrest Inspired Gentle Vinyasa – Dharma River In person and Zoom
- Contact me if you don’t already have the Zoom Link.