Hi Everyone,
Our video is ready! Heads up we had a bit of trouble with the sound right at the end. Since neither of us had time to re-record it yesterday, and you can still easily understand what I’m saying, I decided to run with it. For those of you with highly attuned ears, our apologies if it distracts you from your practice.
Root River Yogis, looks like fall session will be online, I’m planning on keeping both Wednesday evening and Thursday morning classes, hope to see you there! Also if you have borrowed Root River Props please remind me so I can pass accurate information onto Amanda. Thank You <3
Infinity Yogis, I was part of Heather’s teacher meeting earlier this week and found out that 20-punch cards are not available right now. The reason Heather gave is that she plans to go digital and wants to cut down on the number of classes she has to transfer over once that happens. As far as I understand, a 20-punch card or something equivalent will be offered once it is up and running. Like much of life right now, this is all subject to change. Please talk to me if this is problematic for you.
Heather is also figuring out Zoom (or another streaming service) for Infinity. Please reach out and let me know if this is something you’d be interested in. Either right now as an additional option along with in-person classes, or as an alternative to videos if the studio needs to close again.
If you respond to this (and I hope you do), please include how many classes you’re planning on attending and what days of the week you would come to class and/or attend on Zoom. As I figure out my Fall schedule this information will help me out immensely.
Maybe see you tomorrow (Friday) for Yoga with Friends at Sinclair Park at 8:15am.
Schedule for Week of August 3rd.
8:15 am All Levels – Infinity
- You need a confirmation from me that you are registered. Spaces are limited.
- Infinity Covid Protocols
6pm All Levels – Root River Zoom
7:15am All Levels – Root River Zoom
8:15am Yoga with Friends – Sinclair Park
Yoga Videos and Meditation
As always, these are shared with you under the category “pay what you can, if you can.”
Here’s the link to PayPal your support: https://www.paypal.me/
Things to know about Yoga with Elle Outside:
- If you have trouble hearing please set up close (but still 6 ft away) to me.
- Please be respectful and stay 6′ away from each other to ensure everyone who comes is safe and feels comfortable.
- I’ll wear a mask as we’re setting up so if you want to come ask questions, tell me things, etc., you’ll be safe.
- I’m going to take my mask off to teach so you can hear me and we can record sound, but I will stay on my mat and not walk around making adjustments.
- If you are nervous to be around folks but really want to come, please come, wear a mask and set up away from folks. We will lovingly stay away and give you space.
- Regular outdoor considerations to think of: You may want sun screen, bug spray, sun glasses, and a towel if it’s dewy.
- Bring your mat and a block or a blanket if you have them.
Root River Yoga on Zoom
Consider joining me and a great group of students for a Root River class and support an amazing studio that serves rural SE MN. Register for classes and learn more about Root River Yoga here.
6:00-7:00pm All Levels
7:15-8:15am All Levels
*You’re invited to stay online after class for coffee/tea and a chat.
Ways to Keep Connected

- Follow Yoga with Elle on Facebook
- Email me at ellenewman11+yoga@gmail.com with any questions.
- Ask to join private Facebook group.
- Receive this newsletter in your email by signing up here .
Tips for Practicing At Home

- Create a space for yourself, but don’t get bogged down in creating a perfect space for yourself.
- Put your class on the calendar. Make space in your day.
- Make it special for yourself. Maybe this means putting on your favorite fancy yoga pants, maybe this means you finally get to practice in your pjs.
- Reach out to me if you get stuck.